Success Stories

Grolsche Bierbrouwerij Nederland B.V. - Complete process automation for the new brewing site

Known throughout the world for its premium beer and immediately recognizable by its characteristic bottles with yoke closure, Grolsch has opened its new, and probably the most efficient, brewery in Europe.

A brewmaxx system that conforms to ISA S88.01 from ProLeiT AG with its ultra-modern technology is used for the complete process cell automation in this project. The Königliche Grolsche Bierbrauerei NV can look back on almost 400 years of brewing tradition. It was grounded in 1615 in a locality in the Netherlands with the name Grol (Groenlo). Peter Cuyper took over the brewery from his father-in-law and started to brew a high-quality and appetizing quality beer that very quickly gained popularity. Even today after four centuries, Grolsch, which literally means „from Grol“, still stands for premium quality beer.

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